Data Study: Mobile Privacy IQ


News of security breaches and other privacy-related issues make headlines daily. As our lives become more digital, the need to protect our privacy increases. To get a better understanding of the privacy mindsets of mobile users, we turned to data. Through data we uncovered several trends that helped communicate a larger story, and we wanted to tell this story visually. With the help of a design team, shareable infographics were created to generate buzz in both traditional and social media. The end result was Mobile Privacy IQ, a beautifully designed study that was informative and engaging.


The study sparked a great conversation in the media, garnering 20+ pieces of quality print and online coverage. To broaden awareness, we conducted interviews with several top-tier radio markets in SF, LA, NYC, Detroit, Dallas, and Boston. Lookout executive chairman John Hering also appeared on CNBC to discuss the study, providing national exposure for the brand and mobile privacy awareness.

Coverage Highlights:




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